
Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccessControl Facade for access control checking
AccessControlBase Base class for Access Control Cheching
ActionBase Simple implementation of an action
ActionMapper Maps actions to URLs
AjaxRenderDecorator Renders result as Ajax Response
AjaxView Renders page as Ajax result
AlternativeMessageBuilder Build message body for a single and an alternative message
AnsistringParameterizedRouteHandler Handle ansi string (the "sp" type)
Arr Encapsulates some convient array functions
AttachmentsBuilder Build message body for a message containing attachments
BaseCacheHeaderManager This cache header manager implements the basics of client side caching
BlockBase Represents a block
Cache Wrapper around cache access
CacheDBImpl An implememtation of cache as DB table
CacheHeaderManagerFactory Simple factory for cache header manager
CacheRenderDecorator Caching implementation
CallbackCommand Command to invoke a callback
Cast Cast helper routines
CatchAllRoute Process all URLs that no one seems responsible for
ClearCacheCommand Clear the Cache for an item or all
CommandBase Base implementation for commands
CommandChain The command chain executes commands that form a hierarchy
CommandChainAdapter Adapt any command to be chainable
CommandComposite The command composite executes a set of commands
CommandDelegate The command delegate delegates all request to another command
CommandsBaseController Installs a generic post handler at url /process_commands
CommandsFactory The commands factory instanciates commands, following the rules for overloading commands
CommandsRoute Handle Command invocation (Check tokens!)
CommandsRouteRenderDecorator A render decorator that checks for validation tokens
CommandTransactional The Transaction Command starts a database transaction before execution and commits on success or rollbacks on error
Common Helper methods for PHP
Config Contains Configuration parameters
ConfigGSitemap GSitemap config options
Console Helper class for console invoking
ConsoleOnlyRenderDecorator Return 403 if not invoked from console, effectively forcing users to use the console
ConsolePageData A console implementation of page data
ConsolePageView Render page for console display
ConsoleRenderDecorator Renders result of a controller action for console output
ConsoleRouter Router for route invoked in Console
ConstantCacheManager Cache manager that returns a constant value as cache id
ContentViewBase Base class for Views that produce content
ControllerBase Base implementation for controllers
ControllerDefaultClassInstantiater Class to detect controller classed and create one instance of each
ConverterCallback A converter that calls function given as parameter
ConverterChain A Converter Chain
ConverterFactory Generic Converter Factory
ConverterHtml Converts plain texyt to HTML (encode) or HTML to plain text (decode)
ConverterHtmlEx Converts plain text to HTML (encode) or HTML to plain text (decode)
ConverterHtmlTidy Converts plain HTML to tidyed HTML
ConverterMimeHeader Converts text into mime encoded text
ConverterNone A converter that does nothing
Cookie Wraps Cookie Handling
CookieDeleteCommand Delete a Cookie
CookieSetCommand Sets a Cookie
CreateCommand Generic create command
DAOCache Table Definition for cache entries
DAOCoursesTest A test class, representing a course at university
DAOFormvalidations Table Definition for form validations
DAORoomsTest A test class, representing a room in university
DAOSessions Table Definition for session
DAOStudentsTest A test class, representing students at university
DAOStudentsTest2CoursesTest A test class, assigning students to courses
DAOSystemupdates Table for systemupdate version control
DAOTeachersTest A test class, representing teachers at university
DataObjectBase Base class for all Data Access Objects
DataObjectCached A Dataobject sub class with build in cache
DataObjectTimestampedCached Base class for items where creation and modification date is of interest
DB Factory class for DAO classes
DBCondition Simple condition class
DBConstraint Base class for constraints
DBConstraintUnique A unique constraint
DBDriverMysql Driver for MySQL
DBExpression Takes an expression that is used as is for example when updating
DBField Base class to represent a field
DBFieldBlob A BLOB field im DB
DBFieldBool A boolean field im DB
DBFieldDate A date only field in DB
DBFieldDateTime A date and time field in DB
DBFieldEnum An enum field
DBFieldEnumStati DBField for default stati
DBFieldFloat A float field in DB
DBFieldInt A integer field in DB
DBFieldRelation A relation between two fields in DB
DBFieldSerialized A field to serialize content, can be anything, e.g
DBFieldSet A SET datatype as supported by MySQL
DBFieldText A text field im DB
DBFieldTime A time field
DBFilter A filter to apply to a search result
DBFilterColumn A filter to apply to a search result
DBFilterGroup Contains a set of DBFilter instances that form a group
DBJoinCondition A join condition (table1.c1 = table2.c2)
DBNull A class to mark something as NULL explicitely
DBQuery Represents a DB query
DBQueryCount A query counting results insteead of returning them
DBQueryDelete A delete query
DBQueryInsert An Insert Query
DBQueryJoined A query that gets joined to another
DBQueryLimited A limited query
DBQueryOrdered An ordered query
DBQueryReplace A Replace Query
DBQuerySelect A select query
DBQueryUpdate An Update Query
DBRelation Defines a relation between two tables
DBResultSet Result set
DBResultSetMysql Result set for MySQL
DBSession Redirect session to write to DB
DBSortColumn A sortable column
DBSqlBuilderBase Base class for SQL builders
DBSqlBuilderCount Build count query for a given (SELECT) query
DBSqlBuilderCountMysql Count queries for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderDelete Build a delete query
DBSqlBuilderDeleteMysql Delete queries for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderFactory Creates builder for given query type and driver
DBSqlBuilderInsert Build an insert query
DBSqlBuilderInsertMysql Insert queries for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderReplace Build a replace query
DBSqlBuilderReplaceMysql Implementation of Replace for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderSelect Build a select query
DBSqlBuilderSelectMysql Select queries for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderUpdate Build an update query
DBSqlBuilderUpdateMysql Update queries for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderWhere SQL Builder for WHERE clauses
DBSqlBuilderWhereGroup SQL Builder for grouped WHERE clauses
DBSqlBuilderWhereGroupMysql Where groups for MySQL
DBSqlBuilderWhereMysql Where clauses for MySQL
DBTable Represents a DB table
DBTableAlias Alias for given DBTable
DBTableRepository Centralized repository of table definitions
DBTableSubquery Masks a sub query as a table, that can be used in Joins
DBWhere A DB Where representation
DBWhereFulltext A MySql fulltext where implementation
DBWhereGroup A group of where statements that acts as own where
DelegateCommandImpl Implementation of Delegate command
DeleteCommand Delete command
DispatcherInvokeRenderDecorator Renders result of a controller action
EnumParameterizedRouteHandler Handle enum (the "e" type)
ETagRenderDecorator The etag render decorator creates a md5 hash of rendered page and compares this with an etag sended along by the browser
EventSource Sends events to all registered event sinks
ExactMatchRoute Allows only exact matches in URLs
ExecuteShellCommand Run a shell command
ExecuteSqlCommand Generic SQL execution command
ExecuteSqlScriptCommand Generic SQL script execution command
Filter Class to create a filter widget and to filter search results
FilterDefaultAdapter Default Implementation of Filter adapter
FilterText Class to create a filter widget and to filter search results by free text
FilterTextDefaultAdapter Default Implementation of Filter Text adapter
FormHandler Wraps functionality related to forms
FormValidations Stores form tokens
GsitemapController Controls building and rendering of sitemap
GSiteMapItemFormatter Class to format item in sitemap
GSiteMapModel Encapsulates rules for one sitemap model, which is a combination of a model and an action and a set of rules
GyroDate Common Date and DateTime functions
GyroHeaders This class works around some limitations in PHP header handling
GyroHttpRequest Download files using http protocols
GyroJSON Convertes from and to JSON Use either directly or through ConverterFactory like this:
GyroLocale Manages Encoding and languages
GyroUnitTestCase Extends UnitTest with assertions regarding Status
HeadData Centralizes HTML HEAD data
History Keeps track of pages called
html Class that wrappes common HTML
HtmlString A class that introduces string functions to html string (that are strings containing tags)
IAccessControl Interface for access control implementations
IAction An action
IActionSource Interface for all DAO objects having actions
IBlock Interface for Blcoks
ICachable Interface for cachable elements
ICache Interface for cache access
ICacheHeaderManager Interface for cache header managers
ICacheItem Represent an item in cache, e.g
ICacheManager A cache manager
ICachePersister Interface for classes that persist cache items
IClassInstantiater Class instantiater: creates class instances following some rules
ICommand Interface for commands
IController Controler interface
IConverter Generic conversion interface
IDataObject Base interface for data objects
IDataObjectQueryHook Interface for classes that hook into query building on dataobject
IDBConstraint A constraint on a DB table
IDBDriver Defines a db driver, e.g for MySQL or PostgreSQL
IDBField Interface for DB Field
IDBFieldRelation Interface for defining a relation between fields beeing part of a table relation
IDBQuery Represents a DB query
IDBQueryModifier Base interface for all query modifying classes like filters, sorters, and alike
IDBRelation Interface for a DB relation
IDBResultSet Interface for stepping through DB result set
IDBSqlBuilder Something that creates an SQL string
IDBTable Interface for DB table
IDBWhere Interface to represent a where statement
IDBWhereHolder Interface for things that have where clauses
IDispatcher Dispatcher interface
IEventSink Event sink interface
IEventSource Something issuing events
IFilterAdapter Translates URLs into filter
IFilterTextAdapter Translates URL into free text filter
IHierarchic Interface for things that are part of a hierarhic (parent => child) relationship
ILink Interface for a link
IMailMessageBuilder Base interfae for mail message builders
IndexBaseController Controller for front page
InputWidgetBase Basic input widget
InputWidgetBaseBase Basic input widget
InputWidgetCheckbox A checkbox
InputWidgetCheckboxBase A checkbox
InputWidgetDate A date widget
InputWidgetDateBase A date widget
InputWidgetFile A file input
InputWidgetFileBase A file input
InputWidgetHidden A hidden input widget
InputWidgetHiddenBase A hidden input widget
InputWidgetMultiselect A multiselect input
InputWidgetMultiselectBase A multiselect input
InputWidgetPassword A password widget
InputWidgetPasswordBase A password widget
InputWidgetRadio A radion option button
InputWidgetRadioBase A radion option button
InputWidgetSelect A select box
InputWidgetSelectBase A select box
InputWidgetSubmit A submit button
InputWidgetSubmitBase A submit button
InputWidgetText A text widget
InputWidgetTextarea A text area
InputWidgetTextareaBase A text area
InputWidgetTextBase A text widget
InstalledValidator Tools for checking if some third party tools are installed
IntParameterizedRouteHandler Handle int (the "i" type)
IPagerAdapter Adapter for pager to extract and set page from URL
IParameterizedRouteHandler Handles on type for paramterized routed
IPolicyHolder Something with a polciy (bitflags)
IRenderDecorator Decorates the rendering process
IRenderer Interface for all elements that render content
IRoute A route checks if a given url can be processed and invokes the according functions
ISearchAdapter Defines Interface to abstract search
ISelfDescribing Interface for classes that can descrioe themselves
ISerializable Class that can be serialized
ISessionHandler A class to handle session storage and retrieval
ISorterAdapter Translate an URL into Sorting
IStatusHolder Interface for any class having status
ITemplateEngine A template rendering class
ITimeStamped Interface for timestamped items
IUrlBuilder Interface for classes that can create URLs
IView Basic view interface
IViewFactory View Factory extension interface
IWidget Interface for View widgets
Load Wrappers around include functions
Logger Logs stuffs
MailBaseCommand Generic class for sending a mail
MailCommand Generic overloadable class for sending a mail
MailMessage Encapsulates an e-mail message, allowing attachments
MassDeleteCommand Executes a mass delete
Message Success message class
MessageViewBase Base class for Views that create simple - non-cachable - content, like E-Mails
MimeCacheManager Caches content client side, but not server side
MimeView A content view of any mime type, not only text/html
MockIDBTable A mock for a DBTable
NoCacheCacheHeaderManager This cache header manager sends cache headers that forbid the client to cache
NoCacheCacheManager Cache manager to disable caching
NotFoundRenderDecorator Renders a not found (404) result
NotFoundRoute A route to handle the case of no dispatch token beeing found
OfflineController Actions for setting page on- or offline
PageData Collects data used to render a page and to be exchange between different parts of the application
Pager Class to handle pagination
PagerDefaultAdapter Default Implementation of Pager adapter
PageViewBase Base class for rendering a whole page
ParameterizedRoute Allows defining routes that contain wildcards
PathStack Transform path into array and apply stack functionality
PhpinfoController Show PHPinfo
PolicyHolder Class holding a policy (bitflags)
PrivateLazyCacheHeaderManager This cache header manager sends cache headers that let clients but not proxies keep an item in cache until it expires, without revalidation
PrivateRigidCacheHeaderManager Allow client to cache, but force it to look up ressource on each request
PublicLazyCacheHeaderManager This cache header manager sends cache headers that let both clients and proxies keep an item in cache until it expires, without revalidation
PublicRigidCacheHeaderManager Allow client and proxy to cache, but force it to look up ressource on each request
PuintParameterizedRouteHandler Handle positive unsigned int (the "ui>" type)
RedirectActionRenderDecorator Redirect to given action
RedirectRenderDecorator Redirect to given target path (not Url!)
Referer Referer extends URL and adds some search engine recognition routines
RenderDecoratorBase Default implementation if IRenderDecorator
RendererChain Delegates rendering to a chain of IRenderDecorators
RequestInfo Class that returns informations about current request
RobotsController Replaces robots.txt with a view
RouteBase Basic route, which handles stub urls
RouterBase The Router
RuntimeCache Cache for storing data at runtime
Session Covers session handling
SetstatusCommand Command to set status
SimpleCacheManager Very simple cache manager
SimpleTestController Controller for running SimpleTest unit tests
SingleMessageBuilder Build message body for a single message
Sorter Class to create a sorting widget and to process search results
SorterDefaultAdapter Default Implementation of Sorter adapter
Stati Contains default stati commonly used
StaticPageParamterizedRoute This route is just to allow parameterized routes with stati cpages, which is deprecated
StaticPageRoute This routes a static page to action_static()
StaticPagesController Controller for static pages
Status Status class
StatusAnyCommand Implementation of delegated command to set status
StatusCommand Command to set status
StatusCommandsController Controller to intercept status change commands
String Wraps string functions, calls mb_ functions, if available
StringMBString String class using mbstring stuff
StringParameterizedRouteHandler Handle string (the "s" type)
StringPHP String class using php functions
SuccessCacheManager Caches only when logged in, uses current URL
SystemUpdateConnectionMapper Allows switching complete modules to another DB connection
SystemupdateController Controller for system update calls
SystemUpdateExecutor Actually execute systemupdates
SystemUpdateInstaller Class to help installing stuff
SystemUpdates Facade for System Update information
TemplateEngineSimple Simple template that just includes template file
TemplatePathResolver Finds file for given template ressource
Timer A simple timer
TracedArray This class traces access on its members
Translator Translates strings
TriggerEventCommand Command to trigger an event on the EventSource class
UintParameterizedRouteHandler Handle unsigned int (the "ui" type)
UpdateCommand Generic update command
UpfrontCache Reads pages from cache without needing a prior routing process
Url Wrapper around URL handling and processing
Validation Validate several values
ViewBase Basic genric view implementation
ViewFactory Static view factory
ViewFactoryAjax Overload View Factory to create AjaxView
ViewFactoryBase Default implementation of view factory
ViewFactoryConsole Overload View Factory to create Console view
ViewFactoryMime Overload View Factory to create Mime View
WidgetActionLink Print link for given action
WidgetBlock A widget printing a named block upon actions retrieved from given item
WidgetBreadcrumb Print a breadcrumb
WidgetDebugBlock Debug output
WidgetFilter A widget printing filters
WidgetFilterText A widget printing text filter
WidgetInput Create an input widget (not necessarily an input element)
WidgetItemMenu A widget printing a menu based upon actions retrieved from given item
WidgetItemMenuItem A widget printing one menu item
WidgetList A generic list
WidgetListItem A generic list's item
WidgetListSimple A generic list, but without pager, sorting et al
WidgetPager Renders a pager
WidgetPagerCalculator This is a helper class to calculate this and that required for rendering a pager
WidgetSorter Prints sorting controls
XmlViewBase Create XML content