
RouteBase Class Reference

Basic route, which handles stub urls. More...

Inheritance diagram for RouteBase:
IRoute IDispatcher IUrlBuilder CatchAllRoute ExactMatchRoute NotFoundRoute ParameterizedRoute StaticPageRoute CommandsRoute StaticPageParamterizedRoute

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  __construct ($path, $controller, $action, $decorators=null)
  append_renderdecorator (IRenderDecorator $dec)
  Append a RenderDecorator to the list of render decorators.
  build_url ($absolute_or_relative, $params=null)
  Build the URL.
  get_renderer ($page_data)
  Returns a suitable renderer.
  identify ()
  Return a string that identifies this Route - e.g for debug purposes.
  initialize ($page_data)
  Initialize the data passed.
  invoke ($page_data)
  Invoke the action on controller.
  is_directory ()
  Returns true, if this route is a directory (that is: ends with '/').
  prepend_renderdecorator (IRenderDecorator $dec)
  Prepend a RenderDecorator to the list of render decorators.
  weight_against_path ($path)
  Weight this token against path.

Static Public Member Functions

static  split_route_id ($route_id)
  Split a route identifier back into controller and action.

Protected Member Functions

  build_url_base ($absolute_or_relative)
  build_url_path ($params)
  Build the URL (except base part).
  check_action_func ($controller, $funcname)
  Cehck if given action exists on controller.
  get_action_func_name ($action)
  Return fucntion to invoke for given action.
  get_default_render_decorators ()
  Returns array of renderdecorators to be append to decortators passed by controller.
  initialize_adjust_path ($page_data)
  Adjust path during initializationh process.
  initialize_cache_manager ($page_data)
  Initialize the cache manager.
  invoke_action_func ($controller, $funcname, $page_data)
  Invokes given action function on given controller.

Protected Attributes

  $action = ''
  $controller = null
  $decorators = null
  $is_directory = false
  $path = ''
  $scheme = ''

Detailed Description

Basic route, which handles stub urls.

By handling stubs, a route defined for example 'a/b' will match 'a/b/c', too (unless there isn't another routes that matches better). The according action shoulds check the PathStack of PageData for the remaining part of the URL.

Gerd Riesselmann

Definition at line 17 of file routebase.cls.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RouteBase::__construct ( path,
decorators = null  


string  $path The URL this route is responsible for
IController  $controller The controller to invoke
string  $action The function to invoke on controller
mixed  Array or single instance of IRouteDecorator

Reimplemented in CommandsRoute.

Definition at line 33 of file routebase.cls.php.

00033                                                                                      {
00034                 $this->controller = $controller;
00035                 $this->action = $action;
00036                 // check if path contains a protocol
00037                 $pos_scheme = strpos($path, '://');
00038                 if ($pos_scheme !== false) {
00039                         $this->scheme = substr($path, 0, $pos_scheme);
00040                         $path = substr($path, $pos_scheme + 3);
00041                 } else {
00042                         $this->scheme = Config::get_value(Config::DEFAULT_SCHEME);
00043                 }
00044                 if ($this->scheme == 'https' && !Config::has_feature(Config::ENABLE_HTTPS)) {
00045                         $this->scheme = 'http';
00046                 }
00047                 $this->path = ($path !== '/') ? ltrim($path, '/') : $path;
00048                 $this->is_directory = (substr($path, -1) === '/');
00049                 $this->decorators = is_array($decorators) ? $decorators : array($decorators);
00050                 ActionMapper::register_url($action, $this);
00051         }

Member Function Documentation

RouteBase::append_renderdecorator ( IRenderDecorator dec  ) 

Append a RenderDecorator to the list of render decorators.

IRenderDecorator  $dec

Definition at line 107 of file routebase.cls.php.

00107                                                                       {
00108                 $this->decorators[] = $dec;
00109         }
RouteBase::build_url ( absolute_or_relative,
params = null  

Build the URL.

bool  $absolute_or_relative True to build an absolute URL, false to return path only
mixed  $params Further parameters to use to build URL

Implements IUrlBuilder.

Definition at line 285 of file routebase.cls.php.

00285                                                                          {
00286                 $ret = $this->build_url_base($absolute_or_relative);
00287                 $ret .= preg_replace('|/+|', '/', $this->build_url_path($params));
00288                 $ret = rtrim($ret, '.');
00289                 return $ret;
00290         }
RouteBase::build_url_base ( absolute_or_relative  )  [protected]

Definition at line 312 of file routebase.cls.php.

00312                                                                  {
00313                 if ($this->scheme != 'any' && Url::current()->get_scheme() != $this->scheme) {
00314                         // E.g. a switch from http to https is required. Force absolute
00315                         $absolute_or_relative = self::ABSOLUTE;
00316                 }
00317                 if (Url::current()->get_host() != Config::get_value(Config::URL_DOMAIN)) {
00318                         $absolute_or_relative = self::ABSOLUTE;
00319                 }
00320                 $ret = Config::get_value(Config::URL_BASEDIR);
00321                 if ($absolute_or_relative == self::ABSOLUTE) {
00322                         switch ($this->scheme) {
00323                                 case 'https':
00324                                         $ret = Config::get_url(Config::URL_BASEURL_SAFE);
00325                                         break;
00326                                 case 'any':
00327                                         $ret = Url::create(Config::get_url(Config::URL_BASEURL))->set_scheme(Url::current()->get_scheme())->build(Url::ABSOLUTE);
00328                                         break;
00329                                 default:
00330                                         $ret = Config::get_url(Config::URL_BASEURL);
00331                                         break;
00332                         }
00333                 }
00334                 return $ret;
00335         }
RouteBase::build_url_path ( params  )  [protected]

Build the URL (except base part).

mixed  $params Further parameters to use to build URL

Reimplemented in ExactMatchRoute, and ParameterizedRoute.

Definition at line 298 of file routebase.cls.php.

00298                                                    {
00299                 $ret = $this->path;
00300                 if (!is_null($params)) {
00301                         $ret .= '/';
00302                         if (is_array($params)) {
00303                                 $ret .= implode('/', $params);
00304                         }
00305                         else {
00306                                 $ret .= $params;
00307                         }
00308                 }
00309                 return $ret;
00310         }        
RouteBase::check_action_func ( controller,
) [protected]

Cehck if given action exists on controller.

object  $controller The controller to invoke action on
string  $funcname Name of function
Exception  if function does not exist on controller

Definition at line 257 of file routebase.cls.php.

00257                                                                      {
00258                 if (method_exists($controller, $funcname) == false) {
00259                         throw new Exception(
00260                                 tr('Action %a on controller %c not found', 'core', array('%a' => $funcname, '%c' => get_class($this->controller)))
00261                         );
00262                 }
00263         }
RouteBase::get_action_func_name ( action  )  [protected]

Return fucntion to invoke for given action.

string  Name of action

Definition at line 271 of file routebase.cls.php.

00271                                                          {
00272                 return 'action_' . $action;
00273         }
RouteBase::get_default_render_decorators (  )  [protected]

Returns array of renderdecorators to be append to decortators passed by controller.


Definition at line 116 of file routebase.cls.php.

00116                                                            {
00117                 return array(
00118                         new DispatcherInvokeRenderDecorator($this)
00119                 );
00120         }
RouteBase::get_renderer ( page_data  ) 

Returns a suitable renderer.

PageData  $page_data The page data

Implements IRoute.

Definition at line 73 of file routebase.cls.php.

00073                                                  {
00074                 // Default render decorators
00075                 $arr_default_decorator = $this->get_default_render_decorators();
00076                 $arr_overloaded_default_decorators = $page_data->get_render_decorators($this);
00077                 $arr_decorators = array();
00078                 // Alllow cache managers as decorator
00079                 foreach($this->decorators as $decorator) {
00080                         if ($decorator instanceof ICacheManager) {
00081                                 $arr_decorators[] = new CacheRenderDecorator($decorator);
00082                         }
00083                         else {
00084                                 $arr_decorators[] = $decorator;
00085                         }
00086                 }
00087                 $arr_decorators = array_merge($arr_decorators, $arr_overloaded_default_decorators, $arr_default_decorator);
00088                 return new RendererChain($page_data, $arr_decorators);
00089         }
RouteBase::identify (  ) 

Return a string that identifies this Route - e.g for debug purposes.

Implements IRoute.

Reimplemented in NotFoundRoute.

Definition at line 125 of file routebase.cls.php.

00125                                    {
00126                 $ret = '';
00127                 if ($this->controller) {
00128                         $ret .= get_class($this->controller) . '::';
00129                 }
00130                 $ret .= $this->action;
00131                 return $ret;            
00132         }
RouteBase::initialize ( page_data  ) 

Initialize the data passed.

PageData  $page_data

Implements IRoute.

Definition at line 146 of file routebase.cls.php.

00146                                                {
00147                 if ($this->scheme != 'any' && Url::current()->get_scheme() != $this->scheme) {
00148                         // redirect to given scheme
00149                         Url::current()->set_scheme($this->scheme)->redirect(Url::PERMANENT);
00150                         exit;
00151                 }
00153                 $this->initialize_adjust_path($page_data);
00154                 $this->initialize_cache_manager($page_data);
00155         }       
RouteBase::initialize_adjust_path ( page_data  )  [protected]

Adjust path during initializationh process.

PageData  $page_data

Reimplemented in ParameterizedRoute.

Definition at line 174 of file routebase.cls.php.

00174                                                                {
00175                 $pathstack = $page_data->get_pathstack();
00176                 $pathstack->adjust($this->path);                
00177         }
RouteBase::initialize_cache_manager ( page_data  )  [protected]

Initialize the cache manager.

PageData  $page_data

Definition at line 162 of file routebase.cls.php.

00162                                                                 {
00163                 // GR: TODO Obsoloete, I guess
00164                 //if ($this->cache_manager) {
00165                 //      $page_data->set_cache_manager($this->cache_manager);
00166                 //}
00167         }       
RouteBase::invoke ( page_data  ) 

Invoke the action on controller.

PageData  $page_data
mixed Controller status

Implements IDispatcher.

Reimplemented in NotFoundRoute.

Definition at line 203 of file routebase.cls.php.

00203                                            {
00204                 if (empty($this->controller)) {
00205                         throw new Exception(
00206                                 tr('No controller on dispatcher %c', 'core', array('%c' => get_class($this)))
00207                         );                      
00208                 }
00209                 if (empty($this->action)) {
00210                         throw new Exception(
00211                                 tr('No action on dispatcher %c', 'core', array('%c' => get_class($this)))
00212                         );                      
00213                 }
00215                 // Check for action
00216                 $funcname = $this->get_action_func_name($this->action);
00218                 // Invoke before-action (this is where the controller should do includes
00219                 if (method_exists($this->controller, 'before_action')) {
00220                         $this->controller->before_action();
00221                 }
00222                 // Invoke action
00223                 $status = $this->invoke_action_func($this->controller, $funcname, $page_data);
00224                 if (empty($status) || $status == CONTROLLER_OK) {
00225                         if ($page_data->get_pathstack()->current()) {
00226                                 // There still are items in the path, that is the URL couldn't be processed
00227                                 $status = CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND; 
00228                         }
00229                         else {
00230                                 $status = CONTROLLER_OK;
00231                         }
00232                 }
00233                 $page_data->status_code = $status;              
00234         }
RouteBase::invoke_action_func ( controller,
) [protected]

Invokes given action function on given controller.

IController  $controller The controller to invoke action upon
string  $funcname The function to invoke
PageData  $page_data
Exception  if function does not exist on controller
mixed Status

Reimplemented in ParameterizedRoute, and StaticPageRoute.

Definition at line 245 of file routebase.cls.php.

00245                                                                                   {
00246                 $this->check_action_func($controller, $funcname);
00247                 return $this->controller->$funcname($page_data);                
00248         }
RouteBase::is_directory (  ) 

Returns true, if this route is a directory (that is: ends with '/').

Implements IRoute.

Definition at line 137 of file routebase.cls.php.

00137                                        {
00138                 return $this->is_directory;
00139         }
RouteBase::prepend_renderdecorator ( IRenderDecorator dec  ) 

Prepend a RenderDecorator to the list of render decorators.

IRenderDecorator  $dec

Definition at line 97 of file routebase.cls.php.

00097                                                                        {
00098                 array_unshift($this->decorators, $dec);
00099         }
static RouteBase::split_route_id ( route_id  )  [static]

Split a route identifier back into controller and action.

string  $route_id
array Associative array with two keys 'controller' and 'action'

Definition at line 59 of file routebase.cls.php.

00059                                                          {
00060                 $tmp = explode('::', $route_id);
00061                 return array(
00062                         'action' => array_pop($tmp),
00063                         'controller' => array_pop($tmp)
00064                 );
00065         }
RouteBase::weight_against_path ( path  ) 

Weight this token against path.

Implements IRoute.

Reimplemented in CatchAllRoute, ExactMatchRoute, ParameterizedRoute, and StaticPageParamterizedRoute.

Definition at line 182 of file routebase.cls.php.

00182                                                    {
00183                 //print 'WEIGHT: ' . $this->path . ' against ' . $path . ':';
00185                 $ret = self::WEIGHT_NO_MATCH;           
00186                 if (String::starts_with($path, $this->path)) {
00187                         $tmp = new PathStack($path);
00188                         if ($tmp->adjust($this->path)) {
00189                                 $ret = $tmp->count_front();
00190                         }
00191                 }
00193                 //print $ret .'<br />';
00194                 return $ret;
00195         }

Member Data Documentation

RouteBase::$action = '' [protected]

Definition at line 19 of file routebase.cls.php.

RouteBase::$controller = null [protected]

Definition at line 18 of file routebase.cls.php.

RouteBase::$decorators = null [protected]

Definition at line 22 of file routebase.cls.php.

RouteBase::$is_directory = false [protected]

Definition at line 23 of file routebase.cls.php.

RouteBase::$path = '' [protected]

Definition at line 20 of file routebase.cls.php.

RouteBase::$scheme = '' [protected]

Definition at line 21 of file routebase.cls.php.

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